Be a part of the future of Cascadia:

Our courses are intended to help Cascadian educators, diplomats, ambassadors, cultural provocateurs, and individuals be able to talk knowledgeably and authoritatively about Cascadia and Bioregionalism, strengthen our movement, and hook in with a network of others passionate to make an effective impact effectively at home and abroad.


Once Per Week | In Person
Horizon Books

Towards Cascadia is a six week course that provides a solid understanding of bioregionalism on a global and local level; Cascadia as a place, idea and movement; and the basics of program and project management as each student envisions the way they would best like to become active around the idea.

Students use case studies, interactive discussion and projects, with the end goal to develop and execute a final capstone project that build on, and plug into the Cascadia movement.


Once Per Week | In Person

Art of Resistance weaves together a rich tapestry of visual protest from around the Cascadia bioregion and world, exploring the purpose, strategy and tactics of activists and movements.

Students work individually and together on a range of projects, and each week focus on a different style of artwork commonly found in resistance movements, culminating in a capstone project about an issue affecting the Pacific Northwest right now.


Thinking about applying? Sign up to get email updates about upcoming application deadlines, information meetings and more. You can also inquire directly here.


July 1
Autumn Quarter Deadline

November 1
Winter Quarter Deadline

February 1
Spring Quarter Deadline

May 1
Summer Quarter Deadline


Our Office

1423 10TH AVE, Studio A
Seattle, WA 98122