Welcome Board Member!
This is the dashboard for the board. Here you will find links to needed resources, information, deadlines and our monthly meeting.
Links / Logins:
- City of Seattle
- King County 4Culture
- Washington L&I
- Washington ESD
- Squareup / Payroll
- SAM.gov / FEMA
Tax Information:
Sam.Gov Unique Entity ID: VTVKL9DY8YY4
EIN: 85-4402939
UBI: 604 685 531
Washington Reseller Permit:
Permit Number:A51352324
Effective Date:Oct-10-2022
Expiration Date:Oct-09-2024
WA L&I Information:
L&I Account: 34712400
L&I PAC Code: 96803740
ESD Number: 000585686001
The Experience Factor for new employers is 1.0.
WA Paid Family and Medical Leave: Not exempt
Rate effective date: 1/1/2023
State Unemployment Insurance Rate: 1.39%
Employment Administration Fund Rate .002%
Class Code 5301-16: Service/Professional Organization NOC
- Sam.Gov Unique Entity ID: VTVKL9DY8YY4
- City of Seattle Business License
- Washington Reseller Permit
- Utah Reseller Permit
- Washington Bylaws
- IRS Application
Next Board Meeting
This is the information and link for our monthly Cascadia Department of Bioregion board meeting. This happens on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30-9pm. Our Department of Bioregion Board google drive folder is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1axQ2f6rqNVOgNTJyX4OhGVT4Z9ePLU2p?usp=sharing The links for the google slides and agenda is here: Meeting Minutes: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1aWczM5SGoPRwwR5_Jno88zw5XlnuOwqX
Department of Bioregion Board Meeting