Regenerate Cascadia: Info Session
Regenerate Cascadia: Info Session
Regenerate Cascadia is a long-term vision and process that works with on-the-ground communities to design and implement new governance, ecology, and economy frameworks for the regeneration and health of our bioregion. Join the call at: Want to host an event in your area or hook in to learn more? Join us for a one-hour introduction, presentation, and meet others interested. What is Regenerate Cascadia? From October 1-31st, we will travel in communities around Cascadia as part of a bioregional activation tour. This will lead to a hybrid summit, where groups can share lessons and challenges and create a shared vision and framework to cocreate funded bioregional councils in each watershed for the long-term regeneration of Salmon Nation and the Cascadia bioregion. This is an opportunity for every group to catalyze and empower their work, connect with new audiences, and form long-term networks that are the “interconnective tissue” for their watersheds and places. Participants will be invited to “add themselves to the map”, for their communities and groups so that we can focus not only on the activation tour and summit but what comes before and how we work together for what comes after. Beyond our own home, these lessons will be documented, shared, and scaffolded as we codesign these processes with other emerging networks, communities, and bioregions worldwide.