Permaculture Community Directory

The Cascadia Community Resource Directory is a listing of educational tools, programs, organizations and resources that we build together on a different theme each month. 

We compile the submissions, and each month will send it out to everyone who signed up. If you have a knowledge of a specific organization or resource you find valuable, please share it so other folks can learn and plug in.

Share as many resources as you like!

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Share a Resource!

Each submission can have a title, description, why it’s important, links, full text, publication information, and any images you may want to include. 

You can add as much or little information as you feel makes sense.

Monthly Activity: Permaculture Field Journal

This field activity encourages Cascadians to engage more closely with the ecology immediately around us. By using either the adjacent plant guide resource links, a web based plant identifier, or your personal knowledge, select a native plant within walking distance of your home and submit the Filed Guide Form on the page about it. Photos encouraged! 

  1. Step One: Take a Nature Walk
    Do a short walk around where you live or work. Take a tally. How many different plants can you find? 
  2. Step Two: Choose your favorite! 
    Choose one of the plants that you like, to investiage! Using the tools on the sidebar, or an app on your smartphone – identify it! 
  3. Step Three: Is it native?
    Is it a native plant? If not, repeat step two until you find a native plant from around your area.
  4.  Step Four: Research!
    Take a deep dive into your plant. What is it called? Does it have an indigenous name or use? Is it edible or have medicinal properties? How does it interact with it’s local ecosystem (microbes, bugs, birds, plants, trees) in ways that promote health? Are there any current stressors?

Step Five! Share your results by filling out Field Journal!

Plant Guide Resources

Encyclopedia of Cascadian Plants 

Atlas of BC Plants: 

USDA Plant Database:

Share your Activity!

Permaculture Field Journal Submission form.

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