First Nations

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Include in any rewrite or any future constitution or governing documents an acknowledgement of the past injustices, genocide and displacement of native peoples of Cascadia, and acknowledgement of ceded and unceded territories.

Provide full recognition of all tribes and nations in Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Northern California, Oregon and Washington that the federal government of the United States or Canada currently refuse to recognize, with the consent and involvement of existing peoples and tribes.

Work with tribes to continue to expand this list, in harmony and consensus of all parties.

Continue to respect and honor all existing treaties.

Establish a truth and reconciliation process with indigenous organizers and tribes to create processes for compensation and healing.

Include indigenous organizers, leaders and tribes in any talks of future governing structures, and create space for indigenous representation within all aspects of governance, where desired by the tribes themselves.

Multi-Language street signs and historical placards using indigenous place names. An incorporation of Indgenous language and Chinook Wawa where possible. A use of indigenous place names, in addition to European or colonial ones.

Work with first nations to expand Tribal Lands and autonomy within their states, increasing their independence of the counties they are currently located in. The size of Tribal Lands should be increased to a sizeable amount but with the consent and negotiations of all in the surrounding areas of the lands.

Provide grants and resources to support indigenous cultural programs as led by tribal groups and first nations.

Promote and encourage the revival of the native languages, customs, and cultures in all aspects of life particularly in media and education.

First Nations should have a representative in local and regional legislative bodies as well as a representative in a future assemblies for Cascadia respective of their location and population.