
Call for Submissions: Summer Issue of the Cascadia Spoke, Vol.2 Issue 1.

Submissions for the Summer edition of the Cascadia Spoke are now open!

The Cascadia Spoke is a community journal to provide space for discussions, artwork, updates and articles around bioregionalism and for the Cascadia movement. This is YOUR space! If you have a piece you’d like to contribute, or someone that you would like to recommend – we would love to share about it.

If you’re interested in submitting, please email to confirm your subject matter before beginning your article.

  • Deadline for our Summer edition is May 27, 2023

  • 1000-1500 word limit for a feature length article. Articles should be in the context of bioregionalism or Cascadia in some way, and we encourage people to think about the “why”, “what” and “how” – so that articles can remain evergreen, now or into the future.

  • 250-500 word limit for an update

  • All pictures must be creative commons, or you must be the owner, and by sharing it, give us the permission to share it in our periodical both in print, and online.

Our last run was 2000 copies, and hopefully if we get enough interest, this run will be bigger.


Miss our last issue? Make sure you’re signed up

All articles, and a full color PDF is available here: If you signed up for a free copy, you’re all set! You’ll automatically receive a new copy in your mail. If not – sign up for a free copy to be mailed to you here:

Grab a bundle!

This time, to help us plan around how big of a print run to do, we are asking folks who might like a bundle to cover the costs of printing/shipping bundles for two issues a year, which is two bundles for $4/mo – and you get 30 copies, straight to your doorstep, twice a year. In addition, if you’re able to, please think about supporting this work, 8-40 folks, depending on monthly giving level can basically help us cover the entire cost of this, including printing and mailing costs, which let’s us send this out for free to anyone who’d like a copy. Thank you all so much! and look forward to more updates soon.

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