
Introducing Regenerate Cascadia | (Re)Activating a Bioregional Network

We are officially debuting Regenerate Cascadia in collaboration with Design School for Regenerating Earth and Regenerative Communities Network....

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Cascadia Underground Post for March 2023

Collection of resources about mapping, education, and compiling information on bioregionalism....

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What is Bioregionalism? Great webcards using the DOB by the Alliance for a Viable Future

The Department of Bioregion is proud to be included in this post by Alliance for a Viable Future which also cites our executive director Brandon Letsinger. Check out more about their organization and learn more at: and give them a follow @allianceforaviablefuture View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View…...

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The Cascadia DOB is excited to present at this years Bioregional Regeneration Summit: Oct 24-Nov 4th 2022

It is the time for Bioregional Regeneration! BIOREGIONAL REGENERATION SUMMITOct 24- Nov 4, 2022English & Español Radical Collaboration between people and places.Ways to share resources.Peer to peer exchange of know-how and knowledge.Regeneration of ourselves through a deep and authentic connection with Mother Earth. REGISTER The Cascadia Department of Bioregion will…...

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From the Archive: Bioregional Congress of Pacific Cascadia 1988

Our wonderful underground collaborators from the Cascadia Underground have archived and shared the Bioregional Congress of Pacific Cascadia 1988 for the first time. It’s a rough scan, but can also provides the full text for anyone interested in learning more....

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Join a Cascadia Work Group

We are excited to announce that we are creating several work groups from our Envision Cascadia Conference, and would love to invite you to join us. We had more than 150 people register for 8 different sessions that took place over 2 weeks in which people gathered to explore how…...

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#Cascadia trending after #WestCoastPact announced by governors

After Washington, Oregon, and California governors announced the launch of a Western States Pact in the face of a federal government unwilling to act on COVID-19 relief, #Cascadia , #Calexit and #Secession quickly began trending on twitter and other social media platforms....

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4 Ways Cascadians Can Respond Bioregionally to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 outbreak disrupts nearly every aspect of our daily lives, Cascadians should double-down on bioregionalism to better support our impacted communities and mitigate health risks. What Does Bioregionalism Have to do with COVID-19? Bioregionalism is a philosophy and lifestyle which promotes personal and community well-being by using naturally…...

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Your Guide for Dougsgiving, November 28th

The Department of Bioregion lists easy steps to make any family gathering or meal a bioregional one. During this time of year, we want to celebrate what our bioregion gives us, the wonderful people living here in a seasonal and sustainable way....

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New fundraiser for Forests for Climate Resilience this Saturday in Portland, Oregon.

Join Forests for Climate Resilience and Forest Defenders for a gathering of #Forest Folk, Saturday in Portland, Oregon. The night will feature music, forest updates and movement news!...

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