

GAMES OF THE FIRST NATIONS: SLAHAL Slahal or Lahal (with slight spelling and pronunciation variations including Sla-hal, Slhahal, Lahall, and Lahalle), is a gambling game of the indigenous peoples of Cascadia, especially along the Salish Sea, which combines song, sacred ritual, intense competition and guesswork. Known by titles such as…...

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5 Easy Ways to Celebrate Culture Week

Every year we celebrate the amazing and distinct culture that makes our region so special. Here are five simple ways to celebrate Cascadia Culture Week near you!...

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First Dept of Bioregion Flag Making Workshop hosted in Laurentia

The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is proud to announce the completion of our first bioregional flag design workshop held in New York City, in the Laurentia Bioregion of North America. It included with attendees from three different North American bioregions and focused on how bioregional flags differ from national flags,…...

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A Growing Cascadian Identity – British Columbians Identify more with Washingtonians than their Canadian Neighbors

A newly released study shows that British Columbians feel a stronger Cascadian affinity to the south than with their eastern Canadian counterparts. In total - 54 percent of British Columbians felt they had the most in common with Washington state, 18 percent picked California while just 15 per cent chose…...

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