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Your Chinook Wawa Word of the Day: Mowitch
MOWITCH [MÓW-itsh] [ MAH’-witsh] — noun. Meaning: A deer; venison; game; wild animal Origin: Nuu-chah-nulth,…
Your Chinook Wawa Word of the Day: Itlwillie
ITLWILLIE [ITL’-wil-lie] or [ITL’-u-li]— noun. Meaning: Flesh; meat; muscle Origin: Upper Chinook, i-tlgwul; Lower Chinook…
On Bioregional Boundaries – David McCloskey
Originally published by Planet Drums Raise the Stakes, the following article is from Cascadia Institute…
Your Chinook Wawa Word of the Day: Kiuatan
KIUATAN [KIU’-a-tan] or [KHI-YU-tun] — noun. Meaning: Horse Origin: Generally believed to be from Chinook…
Cascadia represents bioregionalism at California Unity Conference
Cascadia Department of Bioregion represented Cascadia and bioregionalism at the California Unity Conference in Sacramento,…
7th Cascadia Poetry Festival will be May 1-3 2020 on San Juan Island
For the 7th iteration of the Cascadia Poetry Festival, SPLAB moves its bioregional cultural investigation…