
Announcing Cascadia ZOOM Organizing Calls

Currently, we are in the middle of a social tipping point., in which people are collectively asking ourselves how we can make our world a more resilient, vibrant and positive place, and for a limited time, we have a window in which we can impact great change.

How would you like to see the Cascadia movement grow at this time? What work do we need to make Cascadia a reality?

Together, to address these questions, we are excited to announce a series of Zoom organizing calls for everyone who has ever been interested in Cascadia or believes in the idea & movement.

Each person can sign up for up to two Zoom calls that they might be most interested in. Dates / Times will be sent out as soon as they are confirmed. Even if you can’t make it at the specific time, feel free to sign up as part of a organizing group. Everyone who signs up will receive notes, meeting recaps and can work with each group sees fit.

Our guiding question for each participant and organizing group is “If 10,000 people joined the Cascadia movement in November, what infrastructure, resources, groups do you want to make happen that we need for a vibrant, decentralized and positive movement?”

The different work groups so far are (Click a link to RSVP):

  • Artists & Creatives – Let’s make art! Cascadia themed paintings, stories, drawings, music, dances puppets, and let’s create and share the resources so anyone can at home.

  • Bioregionalism Articles – Creating a hub of bioregional resources. Let’s write about bioregionalism & how it’s relevant for our society, politics, economy and movement Writing about, and sharing resources that already exist.

  • Bridging Cascadia: Making sure Cascadia stays relevant for communities within Cascadia. Indigenous sovereignty. Ages, abilities, backgrounds, businesses, genders, languages, cultures, rural / urban etc. Countering any discriminatory groups within Cascadia.

  • Let’s Map Bioregions! – Trace, draw, map & research bioregions and their ecoregions for a growing compendium atlas of bioregions.

  • Policy / Government – What should Cascadia look like? What policies should it adopt? Posits alternative visions. Cir. econ., human rights, regen ag etc.

  • Resilience – Disaster, mutual aid, tools, resources, and projects for a regenerative & resilient bioregion. Offers solutions, DIY instructions & guides, and connects to people making it happen.

  • Secession / Independence – Remove ourselves from US/Canadian government. Independence focuses on sharing benefits, and critiquing our current systems. It is not focused on what comes afterwards.

  • Share Cascadia – In our neighborhoods and on our computers. Create postering campaigns, events and share share share. Memes, posters, campaigns to raise awareness.

Organizing calls will be set up by different topics. Every group is welcome to structure themselves how they like, and break into smaller groups for more specific works on projects. We’ are excited to gather with other Cascadians around their ideas & passions, and work to make them a reality. Bring an idea, or come ready to work on a idea or project someone else might have!

We can’t wait to see you there!

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